Online live Zoom: Introduction to GLM with spatial, and spatial-temporal correlation using R-INLA. 5 - 9 May 2025.

£ 500.00

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This is an open online live course

Open online live course: Introduction to GLM with spatial, and spatial-temporal correlation using R-INLA.

  • Dates: 5 - 9 May 2024 (5 days).
  • Times: 14.00 - 20.00 UK time (BST) (09.00-15.00 EDT).
  • Included: 1 hour face-to-face video chat about your data. See flyer for details and conditions.

Course format

  • Live online teaching is from 14.00 - 20.00 UK time (BST) (09.00-15.00 EDT).
  • The course includes a few theory presentations along with a large number of exercises using real data sets.
  • Detailed, annotated R code will be provided, and a brief period will be set aside for practice before each exercise is discussed in depth.

Brief outline

This course offers an introduction to the analysis of spatial, and spatial-temporal data using generalised linear models (GLMs) in R-INLA. The course begins with an introduction how to add spatial dependency to regression models using frequentist tools. After discussing the limitations of this approach, we switch to Bayesian techniques. R-INLA is used to implement regression models and generalised linear models (GLM) with spatial, and spatial-temporal dependency.

We will apply GLMs to count data, binary data, proportional data and continuous data with spatial, and spatio-temporal dependency. We will utilise the Gaussian, Poisson, negative binomial, Bernoulli, beta, Tweedie and Gamma distributions.

For more information, see the course flyer: Flyer2025_05_SpatTempGLM_Online.pdf