Returning a book (paperback)
We want you to be completely happy with the books that you buy from Highland Statistic. If you are not satisfied with one of our books, simply return the item(s) within 14 days for a full refund.
If you've changed your mind, you will need to pay the cost of return postage.
For a refund, the book(s) need to be returned:
- In their original condition; ideally in the original packaging.
- To the correct return address.
- Within 14 days of the day you received them.
- With a copy of the despatch note.
- You will need to pay return postage costs if you've changed your mind and simply don't want to keep the items received.
We recommend you use a registered mail service that includes insurance for your returns, as we can only give you a refund or exchange if we receive the book(s). If the item is not returned in its original state (unused) we may not be able to issue a full refund. Please also ensure that you include details of your name, address, and order number so that we can ensure that your return is processed as quickly as possible.
We can only refund books that were purchased on the website of Highland Statistics Ltd.
Returning a damaged or incorrect item
In the unlikely event that your order arrived damaged please accept our apologies. We will offer to resend the book(s) or provide a full refund. Please contact us as soon as possible and within fourteen days upon receipt of your order. We may ask you to provide images of the item depicting the damage caused.
How you will be refunded
We will make the refund to the card that was used to pay for the original order. We are not able to make cash refunds. We will issue the refund within 7 days of the return being received, though it can take up to 30 days to appear on your credit card statement.
UK distance selling regulations
UK Consumer Contracts Regulations apply to the purchase of books. For details, follow this link.