We have provided a wide range of onsite and online courses from 2005 to 2024. Below is a list of courses.
In 2024:
- January
- Online: Data exploration, multiple linear regression, GLM, and GAM, including an introduction to R.
- Onsite in Wageningen, The Netherlands: Introduction to GLMs with spatial and spatial-temporal correlation using R-INLA.
- February
- Online for DFO, Canada: Generalised Additive Models for the analysis of spatial and spatial-temporal data.
- Online: Generalised Additive Models for spatial and spatial-temporal data analysis.
- March
- Onsite for IFREMER in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France: Introduction to GLMs with spatial and spatial-temporal correlation using R-INLA.
- Onsite for WUR in Den Helder, The Netherlands: Time series analysis using regression techniques.
- April
- Online for the University of Helsinki, Finland: Data exploration, multiple linear regression, GLM, and GAM, with an introduction to R.
- May
- Hybrid in Wageningen, The Netherlands: Introduction to GLLVM.
- June
- Hybrid at the University of Essex, UK: Introduction to GAMM and GLMM.July
- Onsite at the University of Newcastle, UK: Introduction to GLMs with spatial and spatial-temporal correlation using R-INLA.
- September
- Hybrid in Wageningen, The Netherlands: Zero-inflated GAMs for spatial and spatial-temporal data analysis using R-INLA.
- Online for the University of Helsinki, Finland: Introduction to GAMM.
- October
- Online: Introduction to linear mixed-effects models, multivariate GLMM, and GLLVM.
- Online: Introduction to Linear Mixed-Effects Models and GLMM.
- November
- Online for IMR, Norway: Introduction to data exploration, regression, GLM, and GAM.
- Online for the University of Helsinki, Finland: Introduction to GLMs with spatial and spatial-temporal correlation using R-INLA.
- December
- Online: Topic to be decided. Stay tuned for updates!
In 2023:
- January
- Online: Introduction to GAM and GAMM.
- February
- Online: Introduction to GLMM.
- March
- Online for the University of Helsinki, Finland: Data exploration, multiple linear regression, GLM, and GAM, with an introduction to R.
- May
- Online for the University of Helsinki, Finland: Introduction to zero-inflated models.
- Online: Data exploration, multiple linear regression, GLM, and GAM, with an introduction to R.
- June
- Online for DCCEEW, Australia: Introduction to GAM and GAMM.
- September
- Onsite at Nord University, Trondheim, Norway: GAM for the analysis of spatial, and spatial-temporal data.
- Onsite at CIMB, Livorno, Italy: Introduction to data exploration, regression, GLM, and GAM.
- November
- Online for IMR, Norway: Introduction to data exploration, regression, GLM, and GAM.
- Online for the University of Helsinki, Finland: Introduction to linear mixed-effects models and GLMM.
- December
- Online: Introduction to Linear Mixed-Effects Models, GLMM and Multivariate GLMM with R.
In 2022:
- Will be added soon.
In 2021:
- Will be added soon.
In 2020:
- Will be added soon.
In 2019:
- Will be added soon.
In 2018:
- Will be added soon.
In 2017:
- Will be added soon.
In 2016:
- Will be added soon.
In 2015:
- Will be added soon.
In 2014:
- Will be added soon.
In 2013:
- Will be added soon.
In 2012:
- Will be added soon.
In 2011:
- Will be added soon.
In 2010:
- January:
- In-house course on data exploration, regression, GLM and GAM for PhDs at the University of Aberdeen (UK).
- February:
- MSc course on regression, GLM and GAM at the Department of Zoology, University of Coimbra (Portugal).
- Open course on mixed effects modelling organised by Highland Statistics in Balmedie (UK).
- March:
- In-house course at the University of Hamburg (Germany).
- In-house course at NIOZ (The Netherlands).
- April:
- In-house course at the University of Helsinki (Finland).
- May:
- In-house course at the University of Ciudad Real (Spain).
- Open mixed effects modelling course at the University of Coimbra (Portugal).
- June:
- In-house course at the University of the Azores (Portugal).
- In-house course at FEM (Italy).
- August:
- Open course at the University of East Anglia (UK).
- In-house mixed effects modelling course at IEO (Spain).
- September:
- In-house course on regression, GLM at UCC (Ireland).
- In-house course on regression, GLM and GAM at IMR (Norway).
- October:
- In-house course on regression, GLM and GAM at NIOZ (The Netherlands).
- In-house course on R at IMR (Norway).
- November:
- In-house course on data visualisation at IMR (Norway).
- Open course on R in Evora (Portugal).
- Open course on zero inflated data in Evora (Portugal).
- December:
- In-house course on data exploration, regression, GLM, GAM and mixed modelling at NIOZ (The Netherlands).
In 2009:
- January
- In-house course at the University of Aberdeen, UK.
- Two in-house courses at IMARES, IJmuiden, The Netherlands.
- February
- In-house course at CSL, York, UK
- Introduction to linear regression, GLM & GAM. Dep. Zoologia da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra. Portugal.
- March
- Two in-house courses at the National Avian Research Center, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- April:
- In-house course at NIWA, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Three courses at Cawthron, Nelson, New Zealand.
- June:
- In-house course at AZTI, Spain.
- In-house course Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos (Ciudad Real).
- July:
- In-house course at University of York, UK.
- August:
- In-house course at IMR, Bergen, Norway.
- September:
- In-house course at UCC, Cork, Ireland.
- Statistics in forensic entomology, Zentrum der Rechtsmedizin, Frankfort am Main, Germany.
- November:
- In-house course at NIOZ, The Netherlands.
- : In-house course at IMR, Tromso, Norway.
- December:
- Course in Vigo.
- Course in Newburgh, UK.
In 2008:
- January:
- In-house PhD course University of Aberdeen, UK.
- February:
- In-house SPSS course University of York, UK.
- In-house mixed modelling, GLMM and GAMM course at IMARES, The Netherlands.
- March:
- Open course: regression, GLM & GAM. Dep. Zoologia da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra. Portugal.
- In-house regression GLM & GAM course, University of York, UK.
- April:
- In-house time series course, IMR, Bergen, Norway.
- Open course mixed modelling, GLMM and GAMM, Newburgh, UK.
- May:
- In-house ECOSUMMER training course.
- In-house course at CSL in York, UK.
- June:
- In-house course: Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos (Ciudad Real).
- July:
- In-house regression, GLM & GAM course, AZTI, Spain.
- Summer School "Statistics in Biology", Institute of Oceanology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Varna, Bulgaria.
- September:
- Open course: Regression and mixed modelling course, CSC, Helsinki, Finland.
- In-house mixed modelling course at UCC, Cork, Ireland.
- October:
- In-house time series course at IMR, Bergen.
- MSc course at Aberdeen University.
- November:
- In-house course, University of York, UK.
- In-house course for BioChange students, Galway, Ireland.
- December:
- In-house R course at IMR, Bergen, Norway.
In 2007:
- February:
- In-house course NIOZ, Holland.
- In-house course Evora, Portugal.
- In-house course Marine Laboratory, UK.
- March:
- In-house course Marine Laboratory, UK.
- In-house course NIOZ, Holland.
- In-house course Newcastle University.
- April:
- Open course regression, GLM & GAM course, Newburgh, UK.
- May:
- Open course mixed modelling, GLMM and GAMM, Newburgh, UK.
- R course at SAMS, Oban, UK.
- Marie-Cure training course in Greece: ECOSUMMER training course.
- June:
- UNESCO funded course in Sofia, Bulgaria. Subject: regression, GLM & GAM.
- August:
- In-house R course in Vigo.
- September:
- In-house course at SAMS, Oban, UK. Subject: Linear mixed modelling and additive mixed modeling with emphasis on temporal correlation.
- In-house course Zoology department in Cork, Ireland.
- October:
- OPEN course: Mixed modeling, Newburgh, UK.
- In-house course for MSc students at the University of Aberdeen, UK.
- October:
- In-house time series analysis course at IMARES, The Netherlands.
- November:
- OPEN course; Mexico (a series of 2 courses).
- Instituto de Oceanografia, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (2x)
In 2006 - 2002:
- Zoology department in Cork, Ireland.
- As part of a Marie-Cure training site: Course in Vigo, Spain: ECOSUMMER training course.
- Centro Interuniversitario di Biologia Marina and Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale della Toscana, Livorno, Italy.
- Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina. University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK (7x).
- Newburgh, UK (5x). Also with Professor Ian T. Jolliffe as guest lecture. Faro, Portugal (4x).
- AWI, Helgoland, Germany. Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Centro de Informática, Tapada da Ajuda, Lisboa, Portugal.
- CNR-ISMAR, Ancona, Italy. Marine Institute, Ireland (4x).
- CORPI, Klaipeda University, Klaipeda, Lithuania.
- Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Central Science Laboratory, York, UK (4x).
- FRS Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, UK (3x). Course as part of the EU WESTHER project at the 'Institut fuer Seefischerei Hamburg', Germany.
- FIMR, Helsinki, Finland.