In a hybrid course, we instruct both onsite participants and online attendees.

To enhance the experience for those joining remotely, we utilise an advanced 360-degree video conferencing camera that automatically focuses on the current speaker. This setup allows online participants to view the entire room and interact as if they were physically present.

Upcoming hybrid courses

  • Introduction to GLLVM. With spatial or temporal dependency. 17-21 March 2025. School of Agriculture University of Lisbon,  Portugal. Course flyer.
  • Introduction GLMs with spatial correlation and GLMM. A Bayesian’s perspective using R-INLA. 12-16 May 2025. Grenoble, France. Course flyer.
  • Data Exploration, Regression, GLM & GAM with an introduction to R. 16-20 June 2025. Marine Research Institute, Klaipeda University, Lithuania. Course flyer.
  • Introduction to GLLVM. With spatial and temporal dependency. 22 -26 September 2025. IPMA, Lisbon, Portugal. Course flyer.
  • Time series analysis using regression techniques (univariate time series, multivariate time series, common trends). 20-24 October 2025. Tromso, Norway. Flyer in preparation.
  • Introduction to GLM and GAM with spatial, temporal, and spatial-temporal correlation using R-INLA. Charles Darwin Foundation, Galapagos Islands. January 2026. Flyer in preparation.


Join a hybrid course